Family and Preventive Medicine Physician
Dr. Nicolle is double board-certified in Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine. As one of the nation’s most acclaimed primary care and public health physicians, she is a nationally recognized author, speaker, researcher, consultant and media personality. She is the Founder and Chief Medical Advisor of, where she discusses actionable ideas and real-world strategies to help people take control of their health. Dr. Nicolle also shares her knowledge via her popular social media accounts “Maximize Health” to help people pursue a healthier life. Her motto is simple: Minimize Medications, Maximize Health. With her credentials and warm “bedside manner,” it’s no wonder that the doctor is renowned as “America’s Favorite Family Physician.”
No one plans to get sick or hurt, but most people need medical care at some point in their lives. If you do not let a doctor give you regular check-ups, some preventable illnesses or ailments could be left undiagnosed. Your primary care physician can address most of your medical issues and help you achieve and maintain your health goals. Dr. Nicolle welcomes the opportunity to work with patients who leverage preventive and integrative therapies to support health, manage, and even reverse some illnesses.
“You are what you eat.” Food provides our bodies with the energy, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to live, grow, and function properly. Eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet is vital for good health and wellbeing. Your diet can lower your risk of over 25 chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer), lower inflammation in your body, boost your energy and productivity, help you reach and maintain a healthy weight, and improve your sleep. “Food as Medicine” is no longer a fringe idea, but has been proven to prevent, treat, and reverse several chronic diseases. Dr. Nicolle will assist you in finding healthy diet options to suit your needs.
So if you are ready to take the necessary steps to eat better, eat clean, use food as medicine, and get your life on track, then sign up for one of our 12 powerful meal plans. You’ll be glad you did!
Physical activity (or exercise) can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several chronic diseases like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and cancer, just to name a few. Physical activity can improve your mood, boost your immune system, and even help you maintain a healthy weight. Dr. Nicolle will assist you in creating an exercise plan appropriate for your health goals.
The concept that the mind is important in health and illness dates back to ancient times. Mind-body therapies focus on the interactions among the brain, the rest of the body, the mind, and behavior; and the ways in which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, experiential, and behavioral factors can directly affect health. Some examples of mind-body medicine practices are meditation, hypnosis, tai chi, and yoga. Dr. Nicolle is an advocate for incorporating mind-body therapies into your daily practice to achieve optimal health. Dr. Nicolle will assist you in finding a therapy (or therapies) that suits your needs.
The environment in which we live is a major determinant of our health and wellbeing. Environmental responsibilities and policies are essential in helping people make better, healthier choices. Clean air, water, soil, plants, and food supplies are essential for our personal health. The environment’s effect on our health is complicated, but there are ways that we can reduce toxic exposure. Dr. Nicolle will identify ways in which you can improve your current living environment, as well as mitigate the health risks when traveling abroad.
Are you super busy but need to take control of your health? Are you tired of being tired? Subscribe to my “Minimize Medications, Maximize Health Blog” and I’ll give you 7 Tips to Get Healthy in No Time absolutely FREE.