Meditation changes how I see the world. My vision becomes more accurate and uplifting when I meditate. I slow down. I pay attention to things that I previously overlooked. I see squirrels playing in the trees and clouds floating in the sky. I notice when my son brings back the car with a full…Read More
The sound of silence is therapeutic. It allows me to look deep within my soul. I uncover hidden feelings, thoughts, and ideas when I take the time away from external noise. When I am alone, I close my eyes and breathe deeply. This approach takes me away from what is happening around me. I am alone…Read More
Dealing with burnout or being overwhelmed are both consequences of high amounts of stress. With overwhelming, you might be experiencing stress for a long time, which leads you to become overwhelmed with everything you are thinking and dealing with at the same time. Burnout is similar, though it is typically when you become so exhausted mentally…Read More
Stress impacts your life in a wide range of ways and can either be episodic stress, acute stress, or chronic stress.The most common type of stress is acute stress, which is temporary and usually short-term. Chronic stress is what people experience moreover a long-term basis, where it keeps returning whether from the same situation or…Read More
If you have been feeling very overwhelmed with your life and responsibilities, it can take a toll on your mental health and wellbeing. This feeling often gets worse, even leading to more anxiety and worsening depression symptoms. Before you let the overwhelm take control of your life, try some of these tips for relaxing and…Read More
When you are trying to reduce your stress, there are many methods you might want to try out. This includes having healthier habits, eating right, exercising, finding out what your stressors are, and many other options. Another great idea is to use mantras or affirmations each day for stress, which can be used in a…Read More
The most common image of meditation is one of a monk in a religious experience. However, meditation is actually a practice that anyone can do to improve mind function and overall health. Meditation has been proven to reduce stress levels and it can even help with conditions such as high blood pressure. Once you’ve become more…Read More
Uncontrollable thoughts are not uncontrollable, but they can feel like it. These are those intrusive thoughts that come when you don’t want them to, that you can’t seem to shake. It can be related to something that has you stressed out, something you worry about, a past experience you regret or dwell on, or fears…Read More
Overcoming the stress in your life starts with noticing what your stressors are and working to reduce them, but you can’t prevent every situation that could potentially cause you stress. This is your body’s natural response, which leads to a fight or flight response. You still need to get out there and live your life,…Read More
If you are someone that seems to be always stressed out and is constantly looking for more to add to your plate instead of managing the stress you already have, you might be an addict. It seems silly to be addicted to something that can make you feel overwhelmed and downright miserable, but this is often…Read More
Have you been feeling a lot of stress lately? If so, it has probably led to a good deal of overwhelm as well. These two things can often go hand-in-hand, often starting with a lot of stress that goes untreated, which can then lead to a considerable amount of overwhelm and burnout.While this is very…Read More
Are you dealing with a lot of emotional stress? Is it affecting you physically or mentally? If so, it is time to stop dealing with your stress, and start taking action to reduce it once and for all. Even though stress is common, that doesn’t mean it is normal. There is a reason doctors ask if…Read More
You may have heard of a Zen concept called beginner’s mind. It’s one way of describing the way we feel, and the rapid progress we make when we take up a new activity that we’re excited about. You can cultivate that mindset so that it becomes a lasting part of your meditation practice or any endeavor.…Read More
Imagine a free weight loss tool that doubles your chances of taking off pounds. That’s how powerful a food journal can be. Researchers at Kaiser Permanente studied participants in a weight-loss program, and found that those who kept daily food journals lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t. Of course, keeping a journal does…Read More
Do you ever find yourself feeling like you don’t understand your own motives or choices? If you feel this way, you can learn why you do the things you do.Life can be a whirlwind at times. Maybe you’ve just been too busy lately to spend time thinking about your priorities and goals.One method to increase…Read More
Meditation has existed for thousands of years, but it’s never been more popular than it is right now. Meditation provides many health and personal benefits. Meditation is simple, free, and can be done anywhere. It’s well worth your effort. There are numerous reasons to include meditation in your daily life: 1. Boost your health.Regular meditation decreases…Read More
Time alone can either be embraced or eschewed. You might not have much opportunity for solitary moments, or perhaps you spend a lot of time alone and struggle with how to fill your hours. Regardless of whether time alone excites or frustrates you, here are some ideas about how to make the most of your solitary…Read More
A growing number of parents are looking for ways to share their stillness practice with their children. Here are some benefits of meditating with your toddler, along with suggestions for how to get started. Benefits of Meditating With Your Toddler1. Spend time together as a family.Anything you do with your child gives you a chance to…Read More
Taking a month off from your work for meditation at a tranquil place is preferred. However, you can ensure a fulfilling retreat without leaving your house. Try these suggestions for an enriching and restful experience. Preparing your home for the setupGet rid of clutterDistractions hamper your experience. So, try to remove anything that can keep…Read More
Are hypnosis and meditation just different terms for the same phenomena? Hypnosis and meditation both produce impressive results when applied properly and consistently. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Hypnosis has been around as long as people have roamed the Earth. However, the idea of hypnotism wasn’t proposed until far more recently.While they…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about how to sit comfortably while meditating. Learning to sit comfortably while meditating will help you welcome more relaxation and peace of mind into your life. If you’d like to start meditating but feel too uncomfortable to sit for long, these steps will help. Steps…Read More
If you don’t have a bucket list, you’re shortchanging yourself. A bucket list will pinpoint those activities and achievements that mean the most to you. Life doesn’t last forever. If you don’t prioritize your time, you might miss out on something important! Consider making a bucket list today. There are even phone apps that will…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about walking meditation. When you think about meditation, you may automatically picture yourself sitting down, but meditating while walking is another useful option. Walking meditation is a refined form of mindfulness meditation that involves walking slowly and focusing on your breathing. Walking meditation is thought to…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about some tips for better meditation. Meditation isn’t complicated. However, it can still be difficult to meditate effectively and gain the most benefits from your time meditating. It’s a simple thing that requires a lot of experience to master. Meditation can help you de-stress and find…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about journaling your life, because it’s worth recording! Journaling isn’t just for teenage girls. Powerful and successful people regularly keep journals. A journal can record your life and serve as an emotional release. A journal can serve as a record for your children. It’s also…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about visual journaling.  you were a child, you probably drew pictures showing how you felt about having a new baby brother or learning to swim. Now that you’re grown up, you can still use art to process your emotions and reduce stress. We all have…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about meditations that make house cleaning more fun. Some people love to clean while others fail to see the attraction. No matter how you may feel about dusting and vacuuming, a meditative approach can make tidying up more fun and satisfying. The benefits of mindfulness meditation…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about meditations on becoming more deliberate in daily life. Have you ever tried to be more deliberate and thoughtful in your life? I think most people believe that deliberate and thoughtful actions are straightforward and simple: if we simply try harder and smarter we can accomplish…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about lessons learned from grief. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, divorce, or the loss of a job, we all have to deal with grief at some point. Grief is a normal healing process. After all, your life has been permanently changed when you…Read More
The most challenging and meaningful part of your meditation practice may begin after you rise up off your cushion. If you take the insights you acquire during meditation and apply them to your daily routines, it can change your life! After all, you probably meditate for less than a half hour a day, which leaves a…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about 15 ways to be more comfortable during meditation. Meditation is a powerful tool for achieving inner peace and relaxation. It can help you manage stress, find greater sleep, and release endorphins. Meditation is good for your mind, but sometimes your body needs a…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about the top 5 reasons prayer and meditation can benefit your everyday life. It’s no secret that stress can be very unhealthy. As we grow older, the incidence of depression increases, as does the risk of heart disease and other diseases. Many experts believe…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about taking charge of your feelings through nondirective meditation. If you’re troubled by strong feelings and memories, nondirective meditation may help you sort things out. A recent study found that this form of meditation is more effective than regular rest or other kinds of meditation…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about 16 practical tips for meditation beginners. Meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation, has become extremely popular over the last few years. While meditation can be very simple, there are several common mistakes and misconceptions about meditation that you’ll want to avoid if you’re new to the…Read More
It’s Wellness Wednesdays! We’ll talk about the impact of lifestyle choices on short-term memory loss. Short-term memory loss can be a serious issue, and it’s not always easy to determine the exact cause. This is why it’s important to take a holistic approach when it comes to dealing with this condition.  The brain is a complex…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about how to end your meditation sessions. Now that you’ve started meditating, you may be wondering how to end your sessions. The way you use those final moments can make your practice more beneficial. Meditation isn’t like other types of physical activity. It can feel unnatural and…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about meditation, wisdom, and cheese. Cheese?!? I know you’re thinking… what does cheese have to do with meditation? Just wait a sec… hear me out… Everyone knows that cheese goes well with wine, but you can also make it a partner in your meditation practice.…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about the benefits of solitude. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of our lives. Life gets filled with obligations, work, extracurricular activities, social events, hobbies, and even family. We all must find time to relax and unwind, but we often have a…Read More
Just like water pleases our senses, meditating on the sea can make our minds more joyful. These are three meditations with marine themes that will leave you feeling better and thinking more clearly. Get ready for a magical experience! Meditating on the Sea and Vastness1. Set the scene.If you have a beach nearby, head out…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about enjoying healthy therapy from writing your life story. We all have things to say in our lives, and if you think about it, your life is a story of sorts. Whether that’s your work history, the people you love, or the trials that you’ve…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about how to use journaling to overcome jealousy. Have you ever felt jealous of someone else? One of the most common struggles people face is jealousy. Often, jealousy stems from not knowing your own faults. Sometimes we are jealous of other people’s successful lives, or…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about how to meditate in 3 minutes. So, when I set out to write a post, I said, “the steps are simple.” Sit in a comfortable position – cross legged or sitting upright – and breathe. After 15-20 minutes, you are free to stop…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about how to deepen your meditation practice. If you’ve been following our posts about meditation, you know that we’re big fans of this ancient practice. And if you’ve been practicing for a while, you might know that you’re not alone in your interest in…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about how to develop insight with meditation. If you’re feeling burnt out, stressed, or just generally unhappy, you’re not alone. Stress is the most common reason people see their doctor, and chronic stress has been linked to depression, increased blood pressure, and many other health…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about mediation and try to  establish a daily habit for a more fulfilling life. Meditation is an outstanding habit to add to your daily routine. Not only does it relax you, but it helps with nearly every other part of your life as well. Your…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about 7 tips to journal for self improvement. Keeping a journal is a technique that can help you make improvements in your life. To some people, the ability to keep a journal comes natural, while others struggle with it. Either way, the end result…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, we’ll give you a mediation guide for frequent travelers. Meditating on the road can be challenging if you’re feeling tired and overloaded. However, there are some guiding principles and practical strategies to help you remain consistent with your practice while you travel.Guiding Principles1. Add variety to your…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about new research that suggests that meditation can alter your brain for the better. Meditation is life-changing and affirming for the millions of people who practice it. Recently, there’s been some fascinating research into how practicing meditation can actually make positive changes to your brain’s structure.  The academic…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about understanding the purpose of meditation. Many religions and philosophies advocate meditation. Meditation is also used as a tool in many activities and for self-help purposes. While all of these things might be rather disparate, the reasons for performing the meditation are rather similar. Most of us…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about how journaling can benefit your self-development. Journaling is a fantastic way to supercharge your self-development efforts. When your thoughts are still in your mind, they can be challenging to analyze objectively. Getting things out of your head and down on paper provides a totally different perspective. Thinking…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about ancient techniques to quiet your mind. For millennia, people have sought methods to quiet their minds. Long before modern technology introduced new distractions into our lives, humans have pursued inner peace. If you’re seeking a method to quiet your mind and achieve inner peace, these…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about the busy women’s solution to living meditatively. If you’re juggling responsibilities at home and work, it can be difficult to carve out time to sit down and meditate. While you’re trying to organize your days, you can still start living more meditatively right now. Take…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about 5 great reasons to keep a journal. Keeping a journal is a great idea for everyone, regardless of age. There are so many benefits gained from taking a few minutes each day to record your thoughts in a journal. The costs are minimal and the…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, we’ll give you a simple guide to keeping a journal. Keeping a journal is a wonderful activity for your personal growth. It forces you to reflect on your life regularly. It becomes more obvious where your challenges lie when you have to put your experiences down on paper. It can…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about some of the benefits of introspection that can help you guide your life from within. Life is all about the learning experiences. Opportunities to enhance your knowledge and growth make life worth living. And a significant part of the growth process is introspection. Taking the time…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about how to discover the power of conscious breathing to transform your life. Conscious breathing is an important method for maintaining your well-being. Luckily, anyone can learn the technique and use it on a regular basis to strengthen both mental and physical health. It’s easy! Discover more…Read More
It’s Wellness Wednesdays! We’ll talk about 8 ways to enhance your brain right now. As you age, your brain ages just like every other part of your body. While a loss of your long jumping abilities might be a little depressing, it’s far more depressing to lose your mental functions. The best defense is a good…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today we’ll talk about how to use silence to rejuvenate. You’ve probably experienced various times in your life when you felt tired, overloaded, and out of gas. You realized you were just getting up and going through the required motions each day, only to start all over again the…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about practicing the art of walking meditation. The art of walking meditation is not as popular as traditional methods of meditation where you sit down in a form of a cross-legged position. However, walking meditation can prove to be more accessible and easier to renew your…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about how to master reflective thinking to maximize your progress. How many mistakes or failures have you experienced over the course of your life? Imagine how your life would be if you never made a particular mistake more than once. Most of us repeat the same…Read More
It’s Wellness Wednesdays! We’ll talk about the secret diet that fights depression. Everyone needs a nutritious diet filled with vitamins and minerals. However, you can use the secrets from top experts to strengthen your health with additional foods and supplements.  Your diet affects your mental health, too, and has a strong impact on depression.  …Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about the top 10 profound life changes you can experience by meditating. Though meditation has been around for thousands of years, it’s only now that meditation is becoming mainstream. Even the conservative medical community is singing the praises of meditation. Meditation is a simple and free…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about what you would do with unlimited resources. Have you ever wanted to do something, but discouraged yourself because you believed you lacked the necessary resources to be successful? They might include a lack of sufficient time, money, education, support, or experience. Interestingly, a lack of…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about 8 ways to enhance your meditation practice. Meditation can be an effective way to reduce stress, achieve clarity, and attain a mentally calm state. It allows you to view the world from a perspective that isn’™t tainted by your personal beliefs and past experiences. Meditation is simple…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about a surprising method to find out the truth about your assumptions. Everyone makes assumptions. We do it all day long. We assume that the pretty woman would say “no” if we were to ask her out on a date. We assume that we won’t get…Read More
Hi! Welcome to Fit, Food, and Fun Fridays! Today we’ll talk about how yoga can help you lose weight. Many people believe that yoga is not fast-paced enough to burn excess amount of calories in the body. Others say that yoga is actually extremely effective in shedding pounds. Yoga demands great mental and physical strength, endurance, flexibility,…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about how to meditate even if you are fidgety and stiff. Do you want to meditate, but have trouble sitting still? For many adults, the most difficult part of meditation is finding a comfortable position. Maybe your legs start to ache or perhaps you shift around frequently.…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about simplifying your meditation practice and getting better results with 15 different strategies. If you’re having difficulty meditating, you may be pushing yourself too hard. You’ll often get better results by learning to lighten up. These are some techniques for relaxing both your body and mind…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about 3 ways the library can enhance meditating, without going to the library. You probably visited the library as a child to read books and look up facts for your homework. Today, you might take your own children there to check out free movies and enjoy story…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about how to improve your visualization skills. Visualizing is an important part of manifesting any goal. As with anything else, there are ways of using this technique that are more effective than others. This process may be a little more involved that what you’re currently doing to…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about meditation for beginners, and I’ll give you 10 valuable tips. Meditation and mindfulness are popular topics. There are many benefits to be gained through meditation, but beginners often struggle to develop a meditation practice. There is a lot of confusion around the simple, but challenging,…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about practicing the art of non-reaction with meditation. Non-reaction is a practice that can benefit you and the people around you in many ways. Using deep breathing and meditation, you can learn to respond effectively to the stresses in your life instead of overreacting to them. Non-reaction…Read More
Hello and welcome to Motivation and Mindset Mondays! Today, let’s talk about creating a meditation space for the busy professional. You probably know that meditation is good for your body and mind. Still, it can be a challenge for a busy professional to find a place to sit and think. Learn how to create a meditation space in your…Read More
Explore Meditation Tips Beginners need for mental clarity, focus, mindfulness techniques, breathwork & yoga. Begin your transformative journey today!Read More
Explore the Saffron Antidepressant Alternative for depression management, reducing side effects with clinical studies and integrative therapies.Read More
Discover the power of Conscious Food Choices in transforming your health and lifestyle, from personalized nutrition plans to improving mental well-being.Read More
Samantha had always been a worrier. She worried about her job, her relationships, and the future. It was a never-ending cycle of stress that seemed to be taking over her life. One day, while browsing the internet, she came across a blog post titled “Solve Life’s Challenges with Your Journal” by Dr. Nicolle. Intrigued, Samantha started…Read More
Discover how journaling can help heal negative childhood memories and unlock emotional wellbeing with Dr. Nicolle MD's insightful blog post. Learn proven techniques for personal growth today.Read More
Looking to create the life you truly desire? Dr. Nicolle's blog post offers actionable tips and strategies to help you achieve your goals, unlock your potential, and live your best life. From visualization techniques to goal setting and more, discover how to design a life that aligns with your values and aspirations. Read now for…Read More
Looking to boost your physical and mental wellness? Discover the secret connection between stretching and meditation with Dr. Nicolle, MD. In this insightful blog post, you'll learn how these two practices work together to improve your flexibility, reduce stress, and promote mindfulness. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just starting your wellness journey, this post…Read More
Are you curious about yoga but unsure where to start? In her latest blog post, "Things Everyone Should Know About Yoga," Dr. Nicolle shares insights and tips to help you get the most out of your yoga practice. From understanding the different styles of yoga to learning proper breathing techniques, this post provides a comprehensive…Read More
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