It’s Wellness Wednesdays! We’ll talk about overcoming insomnia through exercise. If you’re experiencing problems sleeping, there’s a good chance you aren’t getting enough exercise. Both mental and physical exercises are effective ways to help you experience a deeper, more restful sleep.
For some people, exercise is enough on its own to overcome their insomnia. When you exercise, you’re placing extra stress on your body and, in order to compensate for this added stress, your brain dictates a greater need for deep sleep to aid in recovery.
Bright Light and Your Internal Clock
Have you ever noticed during the warmer months, when you’re outside and active, you tend to get tired earlier in the evening? This is due to the extended amount of time you’re exposed to sunlight and the physical activity.
Exercising in a brightly lit area with a lot of sunlight increases your energy levels. Also, increasing your exposure to sunlight helps control your body temperature rhythms that regulate sleep.
What Are the Best Exercises for Fighting Insomnia?
Almost any physical activity can help you combat insomnia. However, there are a few particular exercises that seem to work better than others.
Here’s just a sampling of exercises to overcome insomnia:
- Treadmill – Best when used next to an open window with plenty of sunlight pouring in
- Bicycling – The movement and constant concentration needed are especially effective.
- Stationary Bike – Not as effective as a real bicycle, but works great on rainy days
- Jump Rope – A good exercise to do that’s stationery and requires little equipment
- Dancing – One of the most enjoyable ways to get exercise
- Walking & Jogging Outside – This is probably the easiest way to get exercise, exposure to sunlight and beat insomnia.
What Time is the Most Effective?
The best time to exercise is about 4 – 6 hours before bedtime. If you exercise just before you retire for the night, your body won’t have enough time to cool down properly. This can make it harder to get to sleep. Remember that you should avoid caffeine or eating late, as well.
Get Your Mind Active, Too!
When you exercise your body and mind at the same time, you’ll notice you’ll get a deeper and more fulfilling night sleep. It’s very easy to exercise your mind while you’re involved in physical activity.
Some ways to do this while you’re exercising are:
- Doing simple math problems in your head
- Reciting something you need to remember
- Listening to an audio book or podcast
- Reading a book, newspaper or magazine
Avoid doing the same exercises every day. Mix things up so your activities keep your body and mind fresh and active. Monotony causes the effectiveness of the activities, both physical and mental, to wane.
You may also want to keep a journal of your exercise activities and your sleeping hours. Once in a while, you can analyze what combination of exercises – both mental and physical – gave you the best sleep results. And once you’re equipped with this newfound knowledge, you can create a custom workout, which will improve your health and help you beat the insomnia bug for good!
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I really wanted to talk about this topic today because sleep is so very important for your overall health… PERIOD. Insomnia can be a real nightmare – and not just because you’re not getting enough sleep. Chronic insomnia has been linked to an increased risk of developing health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It can also lead to weight gain, impair your ability to concentrate, and even increase your risk of depression. In addition to these physical and mental health risks, insomnia can also take a toll on your energy levels and overall quality of life.
So if you’re struggling with sleeplessness, it’s time to take back control of your sleep habits – before it causes further damage. Fortunately, there are some simple strategies that can help you break the cycle of insomnia. Eating foods to balance your blood sugar levels can make for a better night’s sleep. From regularly scheduled bedtimes to calming nighttime rituals, you can make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary and reclaim your much-needed rest. Don’t let insomnia keep you up at night – start taking steps toward better health today!
Is Dietary Supplementation Right for You?
Good sleep is essential to your health, but it’s not always easy to get. That’s where dietary supplements come in! These products can help you get the restful slumber you need, without resorting to prescription sleep aids. They can also provide essential vitamins and minerals that may be missing in your diet.
But here’s the thing: if you don’t know what you’re looking for, shopping for dietary supplements can feel like a game of Russian Roulette. If you don’t do your research, there’s no telling what kind of quality product you’ll end up with (or how it’ll affect your sleep).
That’s why we recommend doing some research before you buy. Check out the label and look for ingredients that have been shown to help with sleep, like magnesium, valerian root or chamomile extract. You should also read up on reviews of different products; this way, you can be sure you’re getting something that actually works (and not just a placebo).
So, if you’re struggling to get some shut eye, why not try adding my Sleep Support Bundle to your routine? Trust me – you won’t regret it! All those sleepless nights will soon become a thing of the past! Plus, they’re totally natural so there’s no need to worry about side effects!
With this Sleep Support Bundle, an anti-inflammatory diet, and a good night’s sleep, you’ll be well on your way to better health! Good luck!
Tools To Improve Sleep
Eye Mask
Do you struggle to get a good night’s sleep? If so, you may consider wearing an eye mask. Yes, that’s right; wearing an eye mask could be just what you need to finally get some restful shut-eye. Here’s why:
First of all, it helps reduce exposure to light. Many people with insomnia find that even the smallest amount of light can prevent them from falling asleep and staying asleep. By placing an eye mask over your eyes you can create a complete darkness in your sleeping environment, making it easier for you to drift off into dreamland.
Plus, using one also creates a sense of privacy and comfort. We all know how difficult it can be to feel at ease when you’re struggling to sleep, but wearing an eye mask can help. Not only will it block out the light, but it’s also a sign that you need your rest and that no one should disturb you until morning. I recommend this Eye Mask.
Foot Soak
Soaking your feet in hot water before going to bed every night can prevent illnesses and prolong life. It can promote blood circulation, relax the body, relieve fatigue and greatly improve sleep quality. I recommend this Foot Spa Bath Massager with Heat.
Mindfulness meditation may improve sleep quality. Studies have found that meditation can help reduce cortisol, which is the hormone associated with stress. Meditation increases the natural melatonin levels to help with more restful sleep. Furthermore, meditation is shown to have benefits on patients with mental health disorders who may experience insomnia as a symptom. By using meditation to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, some patients have an easier time falling and staying asleep.
Using a meditation cushion and mat can help facilitate your mediation process. Although you don’t need a cushion to meditate, you may want to consider using one at some point. You could meditate in a chair, or simply sit on the floor if you want. You can also use pillows or cushions from your furnishings to try out. Cushion, chair, bench, floor – it’s all good. Eventually, though, if you’re not sitting upright on a chair, you’ll probably do well to buy a dedicated meditation cushion. The cushion will support your sitting posture and help you create an appealing mindfulness corner that will encourage you to practice every day. I recommend this meditation cushion and mat bundle.
Dr. Nicolle Martin
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Last updated on May 31st, 2023 at 08:42 am
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